Friday, April 28, 2017


For the interior dome first created the top part of the dome. By using a sphere deleted the bottom half of the faces and after that extruded the bottom edge
Next created one of the triangle polygons. Used a cube fist added as many division as needed to create the form then extruded the inside faces. Then by using the Duplicate spatial tool duplicated the  mess in 360.
The next part is created by using the form of the walkway and again duplicated in 360.

 The next step was to create the candler I created the top part of it with a cube and the Duplicate spatial with making sure that they are going to move on the x and y axes so I can get the effect of steps. The leaves were created from a sphere. Created one leaf in the needed form by deleting all of the unneeded faces. Then duplicated it in 360.

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